Intervals of clouds and sunshine. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High near 90F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy with late night showers or thunderstorms. Low 74F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.
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We often think of a healthy diet and positive lifestyle changes when it comes to maintaining a healthy heart or healthy joints, but we should consider similar healthy options when we want to support our vision.
The best plan of attack is to start preparing and supporting our overall health well before these issues present themselves.
As far as supporting our vision with diet goes, think about eating healthy foods with bright and vibrant colors. Bright and colorful fruits and vegetables are loaded with vision-supporting antioxidant nutrients. Think big salads that incorporate lots of greens, colorful veggies, seeds, nuts and beans. Throw in a handful of fruit like citrus slices or berries to up the antioxidant level even more.
Leafy greens like collard greens and kale are high in lutein and zeaxanthin. Bell peppers and citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C. Nuts and seeds are a great source of vitamin E. Including fresh-cut carrots provides beta-carotene, and beans add extra minerals like zinc.
Sometimes it can be tricky to get all these eye-healthy nutrients from our diet, or sometimes our doctor may recommend high levels of these important nutrients. This is where supplements can help. There are quite a few vision-supporting supplements on the market — some great, some not so great. As with all supplements, I suggest skipping the big-box stores and shopping your local health food store for higher quality products.
If your goal is to support overall vision, look for a well-rounded vision support supplement that includes supplements like grape seed extract, bilberry and beta-carotene. Try to find a supplement that also includes antioxidants like lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin.
If you have dry or irritated eyes, look for a supplement that contains healthy fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-7. You can find these healthy fats in formulas with other eye-healthy nutrients, or if you have an eye formula that you are already taking, you can add them separately to your current regimen.
Quality and freshness is extremely important with healthy fats, so be extra picky when it comes to these.
The earlier, the better as far as supporting healthy vision goes. So start adding more of these healthy, colorful foods into your diet as soon as you can, and talk with your doctor about supplementation next time you have an appointment.
Healthy vision is important, so let’s do all we can to keep our eyes healthy and happy for years to come.
Travis Lemon is a certified herbalist and co-owner of Tulsi at The Market in Huntington. He has worked in the natural health and wellness industry since 2003. Follow him on social media @travislemonwellness He can be contacted at
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