Enter here on the old site "Formula AS"Stroke is the common name for many disorders that occur shortly after a stroke.When blood flow to the brain is blocked, nerve cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients.As a result, neuronal function may be permanently impaired or compromised.Because of this, the longer the duration of a stroke goes untreated, the longer the injuries and implicitly the neurological sequelae will be.Therapeutic success therefore depends on the promptness of drug treatment.In other words, stroke is a potentially lethal condition that requires emergency medical attention.After any kind of stroke (ischemic, hemorrhagic) there may be an area of dead brain tissue (cerebral infarction), so the recovery of the affected functions depends on the ability of the brain tissue left unaffected to replace the functions of the affected one.In the event of a stroke, immediate treatment is aimed at improving blood circulation.To this end, several types of medications can help.Thus, the combination of aspirin, dipyridamole and copidrogrel is a therapeutic formula (antiplatelet agents) that reduces the tendency of the blood to form clots, preventing platelet aggregation when the blood passes through narrow places.Warfarin and Heparin are also anticoagulant drugs that act synergistically.Heparin has an immediate effect in reducing the tendency for blood to clot, while Warfarin is expected to take action.Thrombolytic therapy using tissue plasminogen activator may prevent or reduce brain damage by dissolving blood clots and restoring circulation.Of course, as you have probably been told, partial or total recovery from a stroke can take longer, depending on the severity of the brain tissue damage, age, physical condition and associated pathologies which, in turn, may become risk factors for the onset of stroke (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, etc.). In this context, complementary medicine may help with remedies that may accelerate neuro-motor and sensory recovery.Among them, I would mention Ginkgo Prim Max, Resveratrol, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Neuro Stem DVR, Vitamin B Complex and, last but not least, Blackberry Bud Extract, a blood derivative established in the treatment of post-stroke sequelae.Let's hear only good things!Pulmonary hypersensitivity is closely related to immunity.The body's immunity means the "shield" against external factors that at some point threaten the body's safety and existence.In traditional Chinese medicine, the immune system is protected by three “barriers”: the first barrier is a protective one, which does not allow disturbing factors to enter the body;if the first barrier fails, the second barrier intervenes, trying to destroy them, not allowing them to multiply.If they cross this barrier and begin to spread in the body, the third barrier intervenes, which tries to eliminate bacteria and viruses from the body.Low immunity can be caused by:* environment, disturbed by water and air pollution, global warming;* lifestyle associated with stress and emotional imbalance caused by negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes;* unhealthy eating, especially processed food;* medicines used in excess, even in the case of a minor condition;* lack of movement, sedentary lifestyle;* some natural factors that disturb the body's balance, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi.Low immunity is recognized as follows: - chronic fatigue - insomnia - lack of concentration - low energy, muscle weakness - lack of happiness, professional or personal dissatisfaction causes a negative emotional state - various diseases of the spleen, liver, thyroid, kidneys, skin, lungs, stomach, heart or a weakness of the body caused by cancer, obesity, rheumatism.Immunity can be restored by:* Nutrition: Consumption of seasonal foods, but also cereals, nuts, honey, olive oil, rice, pasta, onions, garlic, carrots, soups, seasonal fruits and vegetables.It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sugar, fats, alcoholic or carbonated drinks, avoid cigarettes.* Sleep is essential for good immunity: 7-9 hours of sleep a night* Practicing movement through any kind of sport, dance, gymnastics, outdoor walks* Plants consumed in the form of tea and other natural products that strengthen immunity: ginger, brown sugar dates, goji, ginseng, cumin, thyme, oregano, echinacea, spirulina, seaweed, black mushrooms, Chinese radishes, grapes, cucumbers, cheese tofu.Recipes that strengthen immunity:* Astragalus tea: Pour hot water over 100 g of grated root or powder, sweeten with honey and consume twice a day for a month.* Carrot juice, tomatoes and honey - one glass a day.* Chinese "yam" soup (Chinese tubers): 30 g of raw or dried Chinese yam, 6 g of ginseng, 10 pcs.dates, 10 g of goji and chicken are boiled for about 3 hours and the resulting soup is consumed.* Ginger tea sweetened with brown sugar;people with diabetes can consume it unsweetened.* Basil, ginger, licorice, date and goji tea.It is consumed once a day.* Alternative practices for balancing immunity: reflexology massage, acupuncture, CHANG SHOU YANG SHENG GONG exercises, Chinese herbs such as: JIN SHEN GUI PI WAN and SHENG XUE JIAO NANGAs a therapeutic massage, for example, in the current context of the epidemic, an exercise that helps the respiratory system: lightly press on the sternum and clap about 100 times, once a day.In traditional Chinese medicine, each organ corresponds to a point on the surface of the skin, and its stimulation through specific exercises leads to its unblocking and allows a good functioning of the body.To activate the energy points of an organism, CHANG SHOU YANG SHENG GONG exercises are practiced.Chinese medicine considers it essential to teach its patients to avoid diseases through such exercises.* In the area of the navel, it is recommended to wear a belt with plants, from a mixture of over 10 plants, which stimulates energy;it is worn for a period of 3 months, for immunity, but also to fight fatigue and protect the internal organs.* Acupuncture is also recommended for immunity, a treatment specific to traditional Chinese medicine, which by inserting thin needles on the surface of the skin, at specific points, leads to strengthening the body's immunity.By inserting the needles in these carefully selected points, the energy circulation through the body is restored and the disease is eliminated.In addition to the long list of medicines listed in the letter sent to the editorial office, mention that you also took clay, but I do not know what type of clay you consumed and in what doses.As I am always open to dialogue, I would like to point out that the correct treatment, in case and for your condition, is done with shock doses: 200 g of ALGO clay per day guarantees you healing in 2-3 months.Therefore, even natural cures are not made "by ear", because they do not work.I mention that ALGO clay is sold in health food stores and pharmacies as a food supplement, being notified by the Ministry of Health, but the doses prescribed on the package (5 g, three times a day) do not cure serious digestive diseases!For details on the treatment you can contact me at tel.0788.233.873.To order ALGO clay at the manufacturer's price call tel.0258,865,677.Your email address will not be published.Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.Formula-AS.ro is the website of Formula AS magazine, managed and updated by SC ISIS EDIT COM SRL