Being the boss of your body’s primary filtration system, the liver takes up multiple responsibilities on its shoulder. It contributes to your body’s holistic wellness by handling critical functions like filtering toxins from your bloodstream, regulating hormones, and balancing micro and macronutrients. However, while performing the filtration process, the human liver is exposed to toxins, pollutants, and other abrasive elements that affect the organ’s healthfulness.
If you don’t pay enough attention to free your liver from these toxic effects, the organ gradually loses its ability to work optimally. When it happens, you will probably notice little to no symptoms. However, these unnoticed conditions may call for life-threatening liver conditions like liver failure or cirrhosis.
Due to this reason, it’s crucial to put yourself on a liver detox regime, and fortunately, you can do this by adding a few things to your wellness routine. Read on and discover the 7 best ways of liver detoxification to help you maintain optimal liver health.
Including natural detoxing food into your daily diet may help you cleanse your liver effectively. Here are the best foods for liver detoxification:
Whole grains products like millet, barley, brown rice, oatmeal, etc., are considered good for the liver. Being high in fiber, they effectively reduce the sugar levels in the liver.
Including sardines, mackerel, tuna, and anchovies in your diet may help reduce liver inflammation. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can effectively prevent excess fat buildup in the liver. In addition, they maintain the liver’s enzyme level.
Olive oil helps you reduce the chances of getting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. In addition, it helps improve insulin and blood levels of liver enzymes.
Green veggies are rich in chlorophyll. They can absorb plenty of toxins from the bloodstream. In addition, they are loaded with fiber, minerals, and vitamins. The best part is that leafy greens never add much to your calorie count. Besides helping you maintain optimal liver health, the green leafy stuff allows you to avoid heart diseases, blood pressure-related issues, and obesity.
Besides green leafy veggies, you can also consume cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. They are loaded with glutathione. They effectively flush out carcinogens and other toxic compounds, facilitating liver cleansing.
Are you a coffee enthusiast or a tea freak? Well, you got the key to keeping your liver healthy. Coffee and tea contribute to the liver’s wellness. Specifically, with their potent antioxidant properties, black coffee and green tea help reduce the chances of cirrhosis (liver cancer). You can also consume rosemary infusion as it benefits the liver in multiple ways.
Nuts, spices, and garlic can aid liver detoxification. Many studies have found that including nuts improves liver enzymes as they are high in nutrients and fat, thus benefiting your gut. Walnuts pack high levels of glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support liver cleansing.
Almonds are filled with liver-friendly vitamins. Garlic contains antibacterial properties and selenium – both these ingredients activate liver detox enzymes, which eliminate toxins from your liver. Spices like cumin, turmeric, coriander, cardamom, clove, and cinnamon help flush out toxins and repair liver cells.
Apples, avocados, cucumbers, grapefruits, and all citrus fruits contain liver-stimulating properties. Hence, you should essentially include them in your diet.
A liver-healthy diet also promotes healthy weight loss and improves energy levels. Therefore, enrich your diet with nutrient-rich grains, veggies, fruits, dairies, and animal protein. However, always avoid junk and processed food as they may contain GMOs, which are not at all beneficial for the liver. Besides, avoid excess oil and processed foods with dangerous pesticide roundups. Furthermore, cut down tobacco and alcohol intake.
Exercises can help detoxify the liver. Besides, it promotes healthy liver function in the long run. A 2015 study showed how regular exercise could alter the adaptation of the liver to increase energy. Besides, it also investigated the role of skeleton muscles in this process.
The said study proved that physical exercises could help reduce the substrate burden for mitochondrial respiration and lipid synthesis. This helps recover the impaired function of the mitochondria and reduces liver inflammation, fatty liver symptoms, and the chances of increased hepatic insulin.
Here are a few yoga poses and exercises you can include in your fitness routine to keep your liver healthy.
This easy yoga position is performed by lying down on your back and lifting your upper and upper body by balancing your sitting bones. You should focus your eyes on your knees and toes in this position. Besides, your back should be straight, and your arms should be parallel to the ground, pointing forward. Make sure that you keep your abdominal muscles tight and breathe normally. You can also try muscle building supplements if you’re looking to be more fit and build muscle. Apart from boosting liver health, the boat pose also aids digestion, elevates tightness in the hamstring, and strengthens the torso.
Kapalbhati pranayama is considered one of the easiest exercises for fatty liver. It involves various deep-breathing techniques that aim to improve blood circulation throughout your body. To perform Kapalbhati, you must sit straight on a yoga mat, keeping your back erected and body relaxed. Keep your hands relaxed on your knees and start taking deep breaths.
After a few minutes, engage your core muscles and start passive inhalation and active exhalation. While exhaling, pull your stomach muscles close to your backbone. Kapalbhati has proven benefits in improving liver health. Besides, it also helps reduce the risk of chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis.
To practice the Cobra pose, you must lie flat on your stomach and place your palms under your shoulder. Then you need to keep your feet together, and toes pointed outwards. Now, it’s all about inhaling, holding your breath, and lifting your body from the torso. Make sure that your head is slightly raised and your naval point touches the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly bring your torso down while exhaling.
This easy-to-perform breathing exercise is well-admired in the wellness world for it detoxifies abilities. All you need to do is sit on the ground cross-legged and place both hands on your respective knees. Now, use your right thumb to hold your right nostril and then inhale through your left nostril. Hold your breath for five seconds, and then exhale through the right nostril. Keep on altering the inhalation and exhalation with the left and left and right nostrils, and perform this exercise for 10-15 minutes regularly.
Walking and swimming are natural physical activities that help detoxify the liver and prevent chronic liver disease. A 30-45 minutes swimming or walking session daily can improve blood flow in the liver, keep enzyme levels optimal, and make the filtration process smooth.
Aerobic activities have proven positive effects on liver function. If you are suffering from fatty liver or type-2 diabetes that works as a precursor to more serious conditions like liver failure, cirrhosis, etc., you should consider including aerobics in your fitness routine.
A 2011 study proved the fact that cardio aerobics can help improve the insulin sensitivity of the liver, which in turn, aids in cutting down liver fat. Aerobics exercises include jogging, dancing, cycling, Zumba, etc. Apart from benefiting the liver, these exercises help to improve the body’s immune system and heart health.
These are more like massaging your liver directly while lying down. Liver press, rub, and striking helps stimulate the organ. You can simply lie down on your back with your knees bent and press under the rib cage in the upward direction. However, be gentle enough while performing this massage.
Lie down in the same position for rubbing and place your left hand over the liver area. Using the soft part of your palms, press inwards and downwards. On the other hand, for striking, lie down on your left side and bend your knees and head to form a curled-up position. Now, use your right hand to make a fist. You can now strike the area under your ribs gently.
According to studies, resistance training in the gym may help detoxify the liver. Besides, it may also reduce liver fat. So, if you are already on strength training exercises, continue them to gain better liver health.
Stretching exercises like spinal twist, lord of the fishes pose, locust pose, etc., help improve blood circulation in the liver. In addition, they can massage and detoxify this mighty organ. A flattened stomach comes as an added benefit.
Apart from the ones mentioned above, you can also perform hot yoga, high-intensity workouts, or participate in a sauna session for liver detoxification. Remember, the idea is sweating out toxins, improving blood circulation in the liver, and strengthening liver muscles or lobules.
Sleep and liver health share a bidirectional relationship. Sleep is a complicated and highly regulated process that’s essential for human well-being. A 2021 study showed that patients with cirrhosis have a high burden of sleep abnormalities. The study also found that a good 7-8 hours of sleep helps prevent the progression of fatty liver and alcohol-related liver diseases.
Sleep is an excellent detoxifier. It’s an essential component of metabolism regulation. Besides, it helps flush out neurological and brain toxins from the liver. Adequate sleep helps your body to redirect its energy resources by shutting off non-essential physical functions.
It’s worth knowing that the lymphatic system in the human body works simultaneously with the liver when you are asleep. Apart from sending toxins out of the body with the help of the liver, it helps in revitalizing physical, cognitive, and behavioral functions. As a result, you get an improved focus, endurance, and mood.
Dehydration affects your body seriously. Lack of water causes an insufficient supply of nutrition. Besides, due to dehydration, the volume of respiration and urine falls. This locks toxins within the organ, affecting its healthfulness. Therefore, drinking a lot of water is crucial for liver detoxification. It helps remove the toxins and flush the liver tissues. You can also consider adding a few drops of lemon juice to water as it helps stimulate bile to remove toxins.
According to experts, a few specific times of the day are ideal for hydration. Ideally, you should drink enough water right after waking up in the morning. This helps in activating your internal organs. In addition, you should also drink water before every meal to prevent overeating.
Remember, consuming water before meals help keep the liver lean. You should also drink water after exercising to prevent dehydration. It also protects your liver from producing a backlog of toxins. Apart from that, you should positively drink a glass of water before you go to bed as it helps detoxify your body while sleeping.
Intermittent fasting supports liver detox. According to studies, liver cells produce a protein associated with improved sugar metabolism while fasting. This helps reduce the levels of liver fat. However, the research in this area is still in its seed stage. You can still introduce intermittent fasting by confining all of your daily eating to an eight-hour window and fasting for the next 16 hours.
According to studies, changes in your gut flora can cause complications associated with liver cirrhosis. It may even lead to liver and kidney failure. Besides, when your digestive system works optimally and eliminates toxins effectively, your liver is not overburdened with more work. When it comes to maintaining optimal gut health, probiotics may play a vital role.
Probiotics contain good bacteria – live microorganisms with numerous health benefits. When you take probiotics in sufficient amounts, they help restore the natural balance of gut bacteria. In addition, probiotics can prevent diarrhea and reduce its severity.
Apart from that, probiotics are also good in reducing symptoms of specific digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Necrotizing enterocolitis. However, the benefits of probiotics are not only limited to digestive health. These tiny creatures can help you keep your heart healthy, reduce the severity of a few allergies, boost your immune system, and help reduce belly fat.
Probiotics are naturally available in fermented foods like pickles, small beans cooked over three days, kimchi, etc. You can consume these foods in small amounts every day. However, you should be careful with probiotic consumption as overdosing your body with probiotics may disrupt liver function, specifically when it’s already damaged.
The best way to consume probiotics is to get selected probiotic strains that are readily available in the market. These probiotics come with definite dosages, which eliminates the risk of overdosing. Besides, they come in different strains, making them eligible to cater to consumers’ individual requirements.
Thankfully, many good liver detox supplements are readily available in today’s market. They contain several liver cleansing components, which include the following.
Every good liver detox supplement contains milk thistle, considered one of the best detoxifying herbs, making it perfect for a liver cleanse. Milk thistles effectively help remove the buildup of prescription medications, environmental pollutants, alcohol, and heavy metals in the liver. Besides, it helps reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy radiation from the liver. According to research, milk thistle contains silymarin, which helps strengthen the cell walls in the liver and promotes healthy cell regeneration.
Chicory root is a high fiber and low calorie ingredient that comes with a lot of therapeutic benefits. It helps control liver disorders, improves blood sugar regulation, and reduces the chances of colon cancer. In addition, chicory roots can help promote a healthy microbiome, aiding in improving digestion.
You may hate dandelions because they fill up your beautiful yard every spring, ruining its decor; however, its roots and flowers are loaded with a number of minerals and vitamins. Dandelion roots feature a natural diuretic effect. It allows your liver to eliminate toxins faster. Besides, this natural ingredient is efficient in strengthening the immune system, smoothening digestive upset and heartburn, and balancing blood sugar levels.
Burdock roots belong to the dandelion family and are good for liver cleansing. You can find burdock roots extract in most of the reliable liver detox supplements.
Glutathione helps quench free radicals in the liver. In addition, it effectively conjugates toxic compounds into neutral ones, converting them into easy-to-eliminate from the body.
Apart from the ones mentioned above, every good liver detoxifier supplement contains natural ingredients like artichoke extracts, beetroot, chanca piedra extracts, etc. Combinedly, these ingredients help balance the oxidant and antioxidant agents in the liver, which reduces the chances of oxidative stress.
Maybe you find it hard to detoxify your liver with home ingredients, and your busy lifestyle doesn’t allow you to take out enough time for performing liver detoxification-friendly exercises. In that case, you can turn to any trustworthy liver detox supplements available. However, be careful with our selection as many of these liver cleanses contain inappropriate ingredients.
When your liver is tired and needs a detox, your body shows a few signs. Keep a note of them so you can save your body’s metabolic factory from disorders.
Bloating and abdominal pain can be early signs of liver damage, and it probably calls for successful liver detox. You can even start gaining surprising weight around the abdominal area. It happens when the liver dysfunctions kick in, and your body finds it hard to metabolize the fat. If you are experiencing bloating after meals, be careful.
You may develop a chemical hypersensitivity when your liver is not functioning properly. For example, if you may start feeling lightweight after consuming alcohol or smelling specific fragrances. This is a sign that calls for immediate liver detox.
One of the major roles of the liver is to regulate hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Any impurities in the organ may lead to an imbalanced level of these hormones, and you may start experiencing symptoms like increased PMS and reduced libido.
Sweating is natural; however, it’s worth keeping in mind that excess of anything is bad, and sweating is no exception. If you get reasonless sweats followed by a white and yellow coated tongue and bad breath, your liver requests a detox.
You probably need a liver detox if you suddenly start suffering from acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, and other digestive issues. Your liver produces a vital fluid called bile. It’s crucial for the different digestive processes, and any impairment in bile production typically leads to stomach sensitivity.
Itchy skin, dark circles, itchy red eyes, acne, skin rashes, and blemishes may point to liver dysfunction. If you are experiencing these unexpected changes in your skin, consider detoxifying your liver at the earliest.
If you often feel tired even after getting proper sleep and rest, your liver is not is probably not working well. In addition, if you are experiencing frequent mood swings, it may also indicate liver problems. The liver is known as the seat of anger, and when it fails to feel healthy, it may make you feel depressed, less focused, and pissed off. An under-functional liver can also cause recurrent headaches.
FAQs About How To Detox Your Liver
When your liver starts to detox, you will experience a sudden surge in symptoms like fatigue, digestive issues, mood swings, etc. Besides, detox symptoms may cause acne and other skin issues because your skin is the exit pathway for toxins.
However, as the detoxification process completes, these symptoms will gradually fade away, and you will feel rejuvenated and energetic. For example, your fatigue, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, and mood swings will gradually fade away.
You may feel uncomfortable when detoxification occurs, and the process may interfere with your daily routine. To manage this, you can follow some tricks. For example, cut down sugar and caffeine intake a few days before you put yourself on the detoxification routine.
Besides, you should pay more attention to hydration. So, drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Additionally, take out enough time to rest and exercise regularly. Remember, the more you support your body’s natural elimination process, the more effective your detoxification will be. Thus, eat healthily and practice healthy habits.
It may take more than a week to make your liver free from alcohol and other harmful elements when it comes to natural detoxification. The detox symptoms, however, may last beyond that. Alcohol and other harmful components can stay in your blood for more than six hours. Besides, they can remain in your breath for up to 24 hours and be found in your urine for up to 72 hours.
The detoxification span typically depends on a few factors. They include the amount of alcohol consumption, the volume of pollutant buildup, the amount of time you have given to the liver for natural healing, and the degree of liver damage.
If you are fond of alcohol and drink often, it’s essential to remember that long-term alcohol abuse may destroy the liver’s ability to renew and repair its cells, which may lead to permanent liver damage. Therefore, aside from following a strategic liver detoxification routine, consider reducing alcohol as much as possible.
Too much acetaminophen typically causes liver dysfunction. It’s the primary medication in Tylenol. Besides, you can find it in hundreds of other medicines like cough syrups, cold remedies, etc. Therefore, if you take acetaminophen regularly, consider performing liver detoxification regularly. If symptoms are severe, consider consulting your doctor.
It is safe for expecting mothers to consume liver detox supplements . However, you definitely need to be extra conscious while picking up one. While some liver detox supplements are safe, many may include unpasteurized ingredients. Besides, they may also cause a laxative effect, which you should essentially avoid during pregnancy. Therefore, as an expectant mom, you should consider talking to your doctor and proceed with the strategy only if your doctor permits.
While a healthy liver naturally cleanses itself, a number of factors like heavy metal buildup, prescription drugs & chemical buildup, exposure to pollutants, etc., affect its natural healing abilities. In such scenarios, you need to perform a liver detox to help the largest organ of your body heal and function optimally.
You can keep your liver healthy by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and introducing a few dietary supplements or liver detoxes to your wellness routine. Flush toxins out from your liver, achieve holistic wellness, and enjoy life to the fullest!