What is ginko?What are the benefits of ginkgo?

2022-05-14 19:33:07 By : Mr. Deniz Wu

The ginkgo plant, which has been used in medical treatments for centuries, is one of the most curious plants in recent years, and it has been the subject of research by citizens who want to treat their diseases with natural methods.We've compiled what you need to know about Ginko.Here are all the details about ginko...Scientists have found fossils of a tree with veined, fan-shaped bipartite leaves in 270-million-year-old rock layers.Some of these fossils were nearly identical to the leaves of the present-day Ginkgo biloba tree.This plant is the only surviving species of the ginkgo genus and is a kind of fossil dating to modern times from southeast China.Buddhist monks began planting ginko in that area in the 11th century, and the plant was consecrated in that area and cultivated for its unusual and succulent seeds.The Chinese called these seeds yin-hsing, which means "silver apricot".When ginko was introduced to Japan, yin-hsing eventually evolved into gingkyo.Ginko leaves and seeds have been used in traditional Chinese medicine since the 15th century, and their use in folk culture is perhaps much older.The use of ginkgo leaves is first mentioned in Lan Mao's book Dian Nan Ben Cao (Natural History of Pharmacy of Southern Yunnan), published in 1436.Medicines prepared from its leaves were used externally to treat wounds and internally for diarrhea, and were also used as a tonic for the heart and lungs.Medicines made from ginkgo seeds were used for asthma, tuberculosis, cough and bronchial ailments.Ginkgo biloba was brought to Europe in the early 1700s and to North America about 60 years later.Interest in ginko as a medicinal herb developed in the West towards the end of the 1900s, when the leaf extract was proven to improve blood circulation, especially the part related to the brain, arms and legs.Ginko leaf supplements are among the best-selling herbal remedies in the United States and Europe.Ginko supplements contain a standardized extract, also known as GBE or ginkgo biloba extract.Ginko is widely used in Europe for the treatment of dementia, as it increases blood flow to the brain.It strengthens thinking, learning and memory in Alzheimer's patients.Herbal medicine practitioners and naturopaths recommend ginkgo for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, tinnitus, and intermittent claudication (cramps and aches in the legs caused by poor blood flow).The only surviving member of the Ginko family is Ginkgo biloba, which has been alive for more than 200 million years.The species living today is almost identical to its ancestors.Six species of ginkgo have entered the fossil record.The ginko tree, which sheds its leaves in winter and can reach 36 meters in height, is distinguished by its fan-shaped and two-lobed, protruding forked leaves.Its flat leaves are arranged and clustered in a row, and its width is 1.5 times its length.Male and female flowers appear on different trees.The distinctive female “fruits” contain 2.5 cm long oval seeds.The seed is covered with a fleshy, orange and heavily scented rind, which can cause contact dermatitis if you touch the husk with your bare hands, just like the poison ivy plant.HOW IS GINKO GROWED?Ginko is native to China, but botanists still debate whether populations of ginkgo found in the valleys of southeastern China's Ciciang region are wild or descended from trees planted around shrines and houses built centuries ago.Ginko survives mainly by planting and harvesting.Seedlings of trees native to the eastern United States are proof that ginkgo can survive without cultivation.Birds and small mammals hover around the relatively heavy seeds.Used as a medicine in traditional Chinese medicine for a thousand years, ginko was first described by Western science in 1712.It was brought to the United States in 1784 and planted on William Hamilton's farm in Philadelphia.Ginko is cultivated and grown for its shade in many parts of the world.It is exceptionally resistant to fire, disease, pests and pollution and survives in environments other trees cannot.Ginko can be propagated by seeds or cuttings.In American horticulture, the majority of ginko trees are male branches transplanted into rhizomes.Because a few decades after the first ginko was planted in the United States, female trees were found to produce irritating and heavy-smelling fruits, which caused allergic skin problems.That's why male trees have always been the primary choice.Ginko trees are planted in rows for commercial ginkgo leaf harvest and reach heights of 90 cm to 180 cm.The leaves on the branches are hit with a cotton harvester, then the leaves are collected in the trailer and immediately taken to the drying process.Most of the world's supply of ginkgo leaves comes from farms in South Carolina, the Bordeaux region of France, and China.BENEFITS AND THERAPEUTIC USE OF GINCOPerhaps the oldest of the trees we know, ginko and its leaves have been used as medicinal plants for centuries.Ginko contains potent antioxidants such as glycosides that protect nerve cells and terpene lactones that reduce inflammation.Ginko is also used for poor circulatory system and to relieve pain caused by peripheral vascular diseases.But research has shown that ginkgo has modest successes.Ginko is used for the treatment and prevention of dementia in Europe, Canada, Australia, and the United States.Studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) improves the symptoms of dementia and slows the progression of the disease, including in Alzheimer's patients.Studies have shown that these extracts are also good for age-related forgetfulness (a milder problem than dementia).More recent studies published in the US are not promising.According to a study published in the Journal of Neurology in 2008, GBE cannot prevent cognitive decline in older people.However, people who take ginko as directed have been shown to slow down memory loss.A more comprehensive study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2008 failed to prove that GBE intake (120 mg twice daily) prevents dementia in adults 72-96 years of age.Likewise, another study conducted in 2009 and published in the same newspaper did not find a significant positive effect on cognitive decline.However, studies have proven that ginkgo strengthens artery function.There are studies showing that the extract of the plant increases walking distance in people with peripheral artery occlusion, an artery disease that causes pain in the legs even with the smallest effort.HOW TO CONSUME GINKO?TEA: Infuse 1 teaspoon of ginko leaves in 1 glass of water for 5-7 minutes.Filter it.Drink 1-2 glasses a day.Tincture: Take 3-5 ml twice a day.You can also use it according to the manufacturer's instructions.EXTRACT: A dose of 120 mg twice daily standardizes 24-27% flavone glycosides and 6-7% triterpene.A delicious tea recipe that you can make using ginko...Mix 30 grams of ginko leaves with as much green tea and pour into a glass jar.Put 1 teaspoon of the mixture in 1 glass of boiling water.Infuse for 5-7 minutes.Filter it.Add a small amount of honey and/or lemon juice.It can be said that ginkgo leaf is safe, based on large-scale clinical trials and widespread use.But it has effects on blood coagulation.That's why people taking medications to prevent blood clots should consult a healthcare professional before taking ginko.Stop taking ginko at least 3 days before surgery.It is not recommended to be used during pregnancy because of the risk of accelerating bleeding.CLICK HERE TO BUY THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HEALING PLANTSHurriyet's website hurriyet.com.tr for breaking news from Turkey's agenda, the latest developments in today's political agenda, and all breaking news;Hurriyet.com.tr news content cannot be quoted without reference, cannot be copied or published elsewhere illegally and without permission.