Free visit of the Contemporary Art Center / Passages Contemporary Art Center / Passages Troyes Saturday September 17, 2022

2022-08-13 05:20:45 By : Ms. Yao Tom

Self-guided tour of the Center for Contemporary Art / Passages 17 and 18 September Center for Contemporary Art / Passages Free.Without registration.The Center for Contemporary Art / Passages is calling on an artist, Yan Tomaszewski, this year.motor handicap;psychological handicap;visual handicap;hearing handicap mi;pi;vi;hiContemporary Art Center / Passages 9 rue Jeanne d'Arc, 10000 Troyes Troyes 10000 Aube Grand Est 03 25 73 28 27 The Contemporary Art Center / Passages is a place of production, dissemination and awareness of contemporary art.It maintains a privileged relationship with creation and stays as close as possible to regional, national and international artistic news.In addition to an annual program of four exhibitions, the Center d'Art Contemporain / Passages also welcomes up to three artists in residence.The contemporary creation site GINKGO offers artists a very privileged setting to work.Located in the center of Troyes, near the train station, in a set of 19th century mansions, embellished with a picturesque garden, in the heart of which rises majestically a Ginkgo Biloba (mythical tree for many cultures in the world ), the site exerts a real attraction on artists.The beauty and serenity of the place promote exchanges between artists working in the studio, in residence or exhibiting at the Center d'Art Contemporain Passages.This exhibition presented during the European Heritage Days revolves around the alchemy of hybrid bodies that unfolds across the Art Center.This exhibition project follows a creative residency by the artist.The exhibition consists of a set of clay sculptures, the majority of which were blown with a blowtorch, a technique used in scientific glassware to produce laboratory instruments such as separating funnels, crystallizers, beakers or sometimes combinations more complex.The repertoire of often anthropomorphic forms of scientific glassware is diverted here to create hybrid tomies, between animal, plant and cyborg.The sculptures populating the Art Center are placed in space using stainless steel elements usually used in organic chemistry laboratories.These works, drawing on the iconography of chemistry and alchemy, echo the history of the building of the Center for Contemporary Art / Passages.It is in fact in this former hosiery that the recipe for an ungreenable black dye was developed.In addition, the glass pieces are part of the regional tradition of glasswork, which, from Meisenthal to the Trojan stained glass windows, has made the reputation of the glass arts of the Grand Est.Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour): 2022-09-17T12:00:00+02:00 2022-09-18T18:00:00+02:00©Contemporary Art Center / PassagesClick here to add an event to this calendar for freeThe agenda of outings in your city and department is here:To add an event for free in seconds click here…Copyright Unidivers Mag, the Breton cultural Web: Rennes, Brittany, France 2011-2029 Unidivers is a non-profit association magazine (1901), cultural, social and solidarity, recognized by the French Republic Press service under the number of Joint Commission Press : 0624W 91424. SIREN: 529 400 566. Head office address: 18, rue Lanjuinais 35000 Rennes.Editorial address: 10, rue Jean Guy 35000 Rennes.Telephone: 02 56 01 81 51 Publication director: Laurent Kontzler.Chief Editor and Webmaster: Nicolas Roberti.Editorial board: see the dedicated page.Featured articles are original content from Unidivers.The information in the agenda comes from participatory contributions, Open agenda and Datatourism.You can report any unwanted content to us by telephone on 02 56 01 81 51 or by email: mentioning the url address and the title of the article in question.Despite daily information work and despite several requests, Unidivers does not benefit from any support from the Ministry of Culture and the DRAC Bretagne.Favoritism and clientelism are the enemies of a plural press.Help democracy continue by complaining about this injustice to your elected officials.