• Is caffeine a friend or foe? | American Heart Association

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:19:03

    By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association News

    Lea en español

    Caffeine jump-starts your day and puts a bounce in your step. It can help you focus, improve your mood and maybe even help you live longer.

    But how much is too much?

    Caffeine, a natural stimulant

  • Wellness vapes: what you need to know about vaping vitamins and other supplements

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:18:56

    Asscoiate Professor in Respiratory Science, University of Birmingham

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham

    Aaron Scott receives funding from Asthma + Lung UK (MCFPHD20F\2), the NIHR Health technology assessment (NIHR

  • The Carnival in Dallas Will Go Hard All Night | Dallas Observer

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:18:48

    Dallas' independent source of local news and culture

    The Best Things To Do In Dallas, August 31 – September 6

    Mark Cuban Got Creative to Showcase His App Fireside at a Podcast Convention in Dallas

    A Parent Went on a Wild Rant While Speaking Before the Grapevine/Col

  • Power BioFarms Is Changing the Hemp Farming Industry Right From North Texas | Dallas Observer

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:18:48

    Dallas' independent source of local news and culture

    “My favorite part probably is knowing that what we are doing is actually really helping people ... It’s not like someone is just getting high but it's helping people who are actually finding relief out of this." – Nick Willia

  • REN

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:18:25

    Best Eye Vitamins: Reviewing Top Eyesight Vision Supplements

    Just like any other human organ, eyesight also takes a hit after a certain age. People who never had to wear lens, or glasses might start to notice losing sight with age.

    Are spectacles the only way to solve this proble

  • What Is Intermittent Fasting? A Detailed Beginner's Guide| Everyday Health

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:18:01

    By now, you’ve no doubt heard of intermittent fasting (IF). Maybe your brother skipped out on brunch the last time you got together because it was too early for him to eat. Or maybe your friend couldn’t do a late dinner last time you saw her.

    There are many reasons why you might try

  • Boostaro Reviews - Effective Male Virility Pills or Cheap Ingredients? | Sequim Gazette

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:17:55

    The only way to maintain healthy erections is by improving blood circulation. Most OTC and prescribed medication for poor sexual health in men aim to augment blood flow. Unfortunately, most pharmaceutical treatments do not address the root of poor blood flow and only offer temporary results. <

  • Best Natural Sleep Aid Supplements | Sequim Gazette

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:17:38

    Today, due to increasing workload and associated stress, people tend to suffer from sleep disorders a lot. When you have multiple things going on in your mind before sleep, you find it difficult to fall asleep.

    Earlier, this problem was faced by older adults due to aging conditions. But

  • RIPE researchers improve yields and photosynthetic efficiency | AGDAILY

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:17:17

    By AGDAILY Contributors Published: August 26, 2022

    RIPE researchers are increasing the yield of major food crop soybeans in field trials without impacting quality through multigene bioengineering of photosynthesis. 

    A collaborative team led by the University of Illinois has been

  • Bioengineering better photosynthesis boosts yields | Crops | agupdate.com

    by admin on 2022-09-03 02:17:15

    Light filters through a canopy of soybeans. 

    Multigene bioengineering of photosynthesis recently was shown to increase soybean yields. After more than a decade of working toward that goal, an international research team has genetically altered soybean plants to increase the efficiency o